
The athletes decide which waypoints from the official list they cross and in which order. Every waypoint counts only once per race per athlete.
Easily accessible waypoints give an athlete 1 point, further or more tricky ones 2, 3 or 4 points (each 1500m radius).
To make it more fun there is a 5 points bonus for spending a night at a designated Night Turnpoint and a separate Bivvy Bonus with a Social Twist (1 point for camping in the mountains and another point if camping with another athlete).
We also have a special SELFIE turnpoint, sponsored by Mitre 10 Mega Wanaka. Athletes who take a selfie there, get an extra point, and the first one to do so will receive a cool prize!
The athletes can stay close by or go for those far waypoints but they need to be careful, there is 10 points penalty if they don’t arrive to the finish line before the end of the race!
Waypoint can be crossed in flight or on foot.
Valid only if reached on foot (hiking or landing).
1 pt
2 pts
3 pts
4 pts
START, mandatory
Start of the race at 9:00am, mandatory briefing at 8:30am.
Start 2 (Gladstone Beach) might be an option, weather dependent, to be announced prior to the race.
Waypoint valid only if reached as the last turnpoint of the 1st or 2nd day and if spending a night within, worth 5 points.
Waypoint valid only if reached as the last turnpoint on the 3rd day before 5:00pm. Failing to do so causes 10 pts penalty.
The athletes decide which turnpoints from the official list they cross and in which order. Every waypoint counts only once per race per athlete.
Easily accessible turnpoints give an athlete 1 point, further or more tricky ones 2, 3 or 4 points and to make it more fun there is a 5 points bonus for spending a night at a designated Night Turnpoint .
The athletes can stay close by or go for those far turnpoints but they need to be careful, there is 12 points penalty if they don’t arrive to the finish cylinder before the end of the race!